På GINETEX generalförsamling i Brno, Tjeckien, den 25 oktober 2016 valdes Adam Mansell till ny ordförande för perioden 2016-2018.
Adam Mansell är VD för den engelska organisationen UK Fashion & Textile Association, UKFT, och säger så här:
“I am delighted to be taking on the role of President of GINETEX. Textile care labelling is a vital part of the fashion industry. Correct labelling can help prolong the life of a garment as well as ensuring consumers get the best from their clothes. As the global fashion industry gets more complex and as the fashion cycle gets shorter and shorter it is even more important that GINETEX and its members work closely with partners throughout the supply chain. I would like to thank the outgoing Chairman Thomas Rasch for his fantastic work over the past two years. Thomas has overseen a significant growth of GINETEX and I very much hope to be able to continue his work in bringing new countries into membership and working with global brands and retailers in order to get to the ultimate goal of having one simple to use care labelling system for the whole world”.
GINETEX, den internationella organisationen för textil skötselmärkning (International Association for Textile Care Labelling), grundades 1963 i Paris. GINETEX har tagit fram ett internationellt skötselmärkningssystem baserat på symboler. Piktogrammen är registrerade varumärken och ägs av GINETEX. Skötselmärkningssystemet ger konsumenter och textilföretag korrekt information om skötseln av textilier. GINETEX består av 23 nationella medlemmar.
Frågor om GINETEX besvaras i Sverige av TEKO: generalsekreterare Cecilia Tall, 08-762 66 61 eller Maria Lindström, 08-762 66 63.
Läs mer om GINETEX här.